Facts about pets:


1)Here is the top 3 smartest dogs in order

     1)Border Collie


     3)German sheperd

2)Labrador Retrievers were originally bred to retrieve fishing nets

3)Ancient Egyptians revered their dogs. When a pet dog would die, the owners shaved off their eyebrows, smeared mud in their hair, and mourned aloud for days.

4)Small quantities of grapes and raisins can cause renal failure in dogs. Chocolate, macadamia nuts, cooked onions, or anything with caffeine can also be harmful.



1) cat has more bones than a human; humans have 206, but the cat has 230.

2)Every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in Asia.

3)On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. That means a nine-year-old cat has been awake for only three years of its life.

4)Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth. Scientists believe this is due to a mutation in a key taste receptor.


Male hamsters tend to live longer than females.

Syrians have four toes on the front feet and five on the back feet.

Some dwarf hamsters have lived to be four years old!

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